Pugs are like.........

Pugs are like potato chips you can't have just one!!!!

Life as a Pug

This is our Pug Blog Welcome to all Pug Lovers and non Pug lovers.

Princess Marley & Ripley Von Pugginstein, King spivey, Lady Lexus

My photo
Welcome to our Page. My name is Princess Marley and I am a Very Spoiled (well loved) Pug Princess. I am 3 years old and Momma is my world. I have a son who lives with me and his name is Ripley he is 1yr old and keeps me on my paws. We will be taking a Adventure with our best Friends King Spivey (SPIVEE) not Spivay as some say and Lady lexus she is a Bug but way cool we are going to Oklahoma to meet lots of dogster friends we leave on June 17th, 2010 and we are very pugcited follow our blog for pictures and blogs of our fun filled days.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Joanie Pug Rivers-in cognito

More pictures of all of us

all the dogs sitting pretty

Our Day at Lady Sophies House

Today we went on a little adventure to Lady Sophie of the Great Hunt. It was a pretty good drive and ride for all of us and very hot and muggy outside. We were driving through the country and there was this awful smell I think KS farted or somfin- From Ripleys mouth.
But Grandma said no its a skunk in the road so I went back to sleep. We got to Lady Sophies house and wow was it pugmazing it was a round house and so beautiful. Lady sophie greeted us ans was woof woof and we went in the gate and there were so many doggies there takes a deep breath LS, KS, Ripley, LL,Harley Davidson, Millie Moo, Diamond,Buster, Marley we had a blast out there oh and the infamous Joanie pug Rivers made an appearance as well. She came to see Jettson and was bored waiting on him and decided to have a little fun with Buster and she hid from him in the chicken coop and started throwing chickens at him he played with the poor lil chicken and well lets just say the chicken lost twice. Ahhh the shame of it all dang JPR she is always causing trouble.
Da moms all had a great time and we can't thank our Oklahoma friends enough for the great time they provided for us tomorrow we will go to Oklahoma City and see the memorial on the way back to AZ. Oklahoma two words for you YOU ROCK!!!!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

The 4 beatuiful Moms-Right side Kareta-PB's mom, A'Ronda Marley's mom, Leftt- Queen Peaches Mom - Grace- KS mom Ronda

More Pictures Day 2 Princess Brea's house

Some Pics from Princess Brea's House

Oklahoma Day 2

Today we had a blast. We went to Princess Brea and Busters house. Jettson and his momma came over and we all played and played. this was the AZ pug possie's first time in the country. All the new smells and new places to pee are amazing we tell you. We are all so tired tonight. The Hooman moms went to eat again we are boycotting these ladies how rude and they didn't even bring home a doggy bag. Well Joanie Pug Rivers missed her ride to Princess Brea's house she went to the dentist to get all the bugs outta her teeth. She was a little miffed but said hey tomorrow is another day and he is my special sweetums GiGi eat your heart out cause you are not here and I am.
Marley looks at Pug Rivers and snarls. ok wheres the duct tape KS so we can tie her up and put her in the Ice Machine???
AZ Pug Possey Out

Thursday, June 17, 2010

We are in Oklahoma

Wow let me tell you through a pugs eyes this was sure a long trip. I nebber got to go for a ride wif momma like this before. We got to Oklahoma about 5pm central time. We jus went to dinner well the rents did wif Arlo's mom and Jettsons mom and Princess Breas mom we had mexican food it was delicious. MMMMM . Oh and guess what that Joanie Pug Rivers was still hog tied to the top of the suv and I think she ate every bug on the road cause they were all stuck in her teeth. Looked like she was Dipping Skoal or somthin. We have locked her in a maintenance Closet by the elevator so we dont have to listen to how she plans to Wooo Jettson tomorrow. We will have lots of pics tomorrow as all dogs will be meeting
Tata from Oklahoma
The AZ pug Posse

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Curently Hog Tied to Roof of SUV Joanie Pug Rivers Look Out Jett shes on the way. Albuquerque Hitchhiker I-40

Da hotel da moms are getting us a room Oh Boy

Its ok mom Take a nap I will drive for you!!!

Oklahoma Trip Day 1 June 16, 2010

Today was the Big Day we started our pawcation to Oklahoma, Wowee we hitted da road at 6am and da moms drove all day and we gotted a room in Tucumcari, NM we been told we is almost to texas yippieeee. Ok now for the adventure story. We all were good lil travel pugs we slept most ob da way and we saw lots ob hitchikers on the Interstate some real scary characters out there I tell you. And then low and behold The kings mom spotted someone on the side of the road looked like a black pug so we stopped and it was none other than Joanie Pugrivers OMP she got wind ob our Pawcation and was doing everything in her power to get to Stillwater Ok were the party was about to start. She is none to nice let me tell you she yaps all the time so we gotted tired of hearing this woof so we hog tied her and put her up on the roof rack ob the SUV. Apparently she is sweet on Jettson DUPAW yupp GiGi better watch it.
well we iz in for da night and we will see everypuggy tomorrow bites pawnails in pugticipation the AZ Pug Posse
King Spivey, Princess Marley, Lady Lexus, Ripley Von Pugginstein.
and our slaves Da Moms

Friday, June 11, 2010

Hot Bug Bath

Princess Marley- Pugbarased

Ripley Dipity Do Do Dese taste Good?

Spivey exposed

Dipity Do Dog Wash

Hello everyfur!!! Today we all went to the Dipity Do Dog wash. The party included King Spivey, Lady Lexus, Princess Marley, and Ripley. This place was pretty cool and momma kept saying wanna go dipity do well you would think this is a place to get yummy ice cream or somfin well let me tell you there is no Ice Cream there at all. There is a row of sinks in a stall and walls a grooming table with a monster on it that the humans turn on and it blows all the water off your fur. I must say we all look amazing.. please see pictures but don't laugh to hard at us we were pugbarised as it was. Maybe a better word for it is pugmiliating yupp thats it.
We are all clean for our road trip to Oklahoma. We leave on Wednesday.
And Weezer yew is just jealous Fat Boy!!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Here comes the King!

Hello Everyone!

I just wanted you all to know that I have my swim suit and hat ready for my trip. You know I have lost so much weight that I am slim and trim! Wheezer is jealous of course! He cannot come and he is too fat to swim! LOL! Poor Pot Belly Wheezy!

Anywhooooooooo.....Lady Lexus will be going and her and Rippers are quite the loud pugs.....so me and Marley are going to ride on our mommies laps!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

On Friday we get to go to Dippity Do its a dog wash. Hey mom isn't that what the bath tubs for? Mom and Grandma Ronda are taking the 4 of us pugs to get a Bath and nails trimmed so we will be all ready for our big trip to Oklahoma momma keeps telling me we are going on a long ride the problem is I just cant figure out when.
And mom found the most wonderful food for Ripley and I . It is new from Royal Canine and its called Pug-25 Yup us pugs rated our own food so we must be great right? We are the best breed there is.
Well pugs and kisses
watch for dipity do pics everyone I am sure we will catch the King exposed lolol
Princess Marley